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Penzión Villa Helia *** Dolný Kubín

The Gardeny is a full-service grounds care company. Our established systems allow us to deliver industry-leading lawn care and landscape solutions to commercial and residential clients. Built on a family tradition of caring, we are driven by a passion to exceed customer expectations and consistently deliver client satisfaction.
Tel.: +421 911 222 806, +421 911 222 800
E-mail: info@villahelia.sk
Web: www.villahelia.sk

Penzión Villa Helia *** Dolný Kubín

The Gardeny is a full-service grounds care company. Our established systems allow us to deliver industry-leading lawn care and landscape solutions to commercial and residential clients. Built on a family tradition of caring, we are driven by a passion to exceed customer expectations and consistently deliver client satisfaction.
Tel.: +421 911 222 806, +421 911 222 800
E-mail: info@villahelia.sk
Web: www.villahelia.sk

Penzión Villa Helia *** Dolný Kubín

The Gardeny is a full-service grounds care company. Our established systems allow us to deliver industry-leading lawn care and landscape solutions to commercial and residential clients. Built on a family tradition of caring, we are driven by a passion to exceed customer expectations and consistently deliver client satisfaction.
Tel.: +421 911 222 806, +421 911 222 800
E-mail: info@villahelia.sk
Web: www.villahelia.sk

Penzión Villa Helia *** Dolný Kubín

The Gardeny is a full-service grounds care company. Our established systems allow us to deliver industry-leading lawn care and landscape solutions to commercial and residential clients. Built on a family tradition of caring, we are driven by a passion to exceed customer expectations and consistently deliver client satisfaction.
Tel.: +421 911 222 806, +421 911 222 800
E-mail: info@villahelia.sk
Web: www.villahelia.sk

Penzión Villa Helia *** Dolný Kubín

The Gardeny is a full-service grounds care company. Our established systems allow us to deliver industry-leading lawn care and landscape solutions to commercial and residential clients. Built on a family tradition of caring, we are driven by a passion to exceed customer expectations and consistently deliver client satisfaction.
Tel.: +421 911 222 806, +421 911 222 800
E-mail: info@villahelia.sk
Web: www.villahelia.sk



  • Summer garden tips
  • Perk up hanging baskets
  • Keep on top of aphids!
  • 5 Tips on comfortable outdoor entertaining
  • Shasta daisies
  • Herbaceous clematis flowers
  • Here’s a free resource to help create drought-tolerant, water-wise landscaping in your home garden
  • Weeds are a gardener’s top enemy, but here’s how to fight back

Sídlo: Klaster ORAVA, o.o.c.r., Hviezdoslavovo námestie 1651/2, 026 01 Dolný Kubín

E-mail: marketing@orava.sk

Tel.: 0911 747 339
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